A much needed break !! - (27 Dec- 7 Jan)

After what feels like years of working (lovingly) fixing, repairing and improving our favourite girl, we are going to close up the varnish tin, close up the hardener and epoxy, close up the paint tins, switch off the sander, put down the sandpaper and paint-bushes (in the meantime I will put down the whip, although I won’t put it away…..). We are going to stock the fridge, fill up the lockers, restock the wine and rum, fill up the fuel and water, plug in the ice-maker, charge up the kindle, plug in the heater, leave the marina and spend some time away. The plan ….. do as little as humanly possible.

We aim to spend a few nights in some of our favourite places on and around the Isle of Wight, with New Years Eve in Cowes.

We will start at Bembridge Harbour for two nights, Cowes (Shepards Wharf) for three nights, Lymington for two nights, Yarmouth for two nights, then back to Cowes for one night and then home. As much as we would love a night in Newton Creek, without a reliable generator we will be without heat, so we will skip that for now and save that piece of paradise for summer.

I will keep you updated as we enjoy our trip and hope you will enjoy it with us.