Has she sunk???

It feels like months since we have been down to the boat. We are back in ANOTHER lock-down and all the work has stalled. We were halfway through the electrical work and while the engine and tanks are now situated in the engine bay, nothing is connected up. Needless to say, we are desperate to get back to doing the work as the clock is ticking.

Patrick and I decided to get a few quotes for the big jobs which are still to be done. The back deck needs to be completely replaced, although Patrick believes he can do that himself. The whole aft section, which comprises a galley and dining area / guest sleep area needs to be replaced. There are also a number of other fairly big jobs, including a (vital) small bar/drinks area as well as some repairs needed to the ceiling and beams running through the toilet/shower room. This is all beyond our remit. We contacted a few shipwrights to get quotes so we could get an idea of how much these jobs would cost and a timeline for completion. We had one shipbuilder come out to view what we had in mind, while we were down at the boat.

We did a few other small jobs while we were down there.