Out for a survey

We had Deux lifted out for a survey, which itself is always stressful. We have had the whole aft section replaced with new steel but we did hold our breath a little as the surveyor measured the rest of the boat. The thought of sections failing the survey filled me with dread, but all was good. Almost all areas measured were between 2.9 and 3.1 mm thick. I think we can feel safe knowing there is about 3mm of steel separating us from the deep waters! As the boat was on the hard, we replaced the anodes and gave her a quick coat of antifoul. Patrick, with the help of a friend, fitted the rope cutter and she was back in the water ready for us to continue with the rest of the work.

Our marina has an old crane to do the lift out and I hold my breath the entire time while it lifts out and moves the boats.

Patrick always insists on being there to supervise and this time I was so glad he was there. The front sling was positioned too far back and the front of the boat tilted forward. We were assured there was no chance she would slip out, but Patrick was not taking any chances. She was lowered down, the slip moved forward and all was good. As usual the crane made me so anxious as it bounced and moved the boat, but all was well. She was placed securely on the blocks and we got on with the jobs.