Time to get away for a few days

After a lovely Christmas with the family, we packed up the necessary (ice maker) and the unnecessary (watches/clocks) and prepared for our “first” trip on the boat. She now has a complete new engine (well completely reconditioned) and almost a completely new steel hull. New electrical system and new navigation set up. It could be that WE are the only “old” things on the boat now!! We have been working solidly on her for almost 3 years and it was hard to believe that the last time we left Portsmouth was in September 2018.

We spent the day on the boat, mostly cleaning - there was plenty to be done. But she cleaned up beautifully. We dusted off the bicycles and tested those out too (well mostly tested ourselves using them - all good, but not sure how I will feel climbing “back into the saddle” tomorrow.

Got into bed early to watch a movie. We have added a shelf at the end of our bed for a laptop as we won’t be installing a TV in the the boat. Couple of glasses of wine (to test the ice maker) and an early night - blame the bike ride !!