Nothing better than a hot shower

After a long day out on the boat, there is nothing better than a shower. Whether to cool off after a hot day out on the water or to warm up after a freezing cold day. Or even to clean up after a day of grinding, sanding, painting, fitting etc (much of our lives at the moment). The shower on the boat is a pleasure. The only problem is that the water runs directly into the bilges in the forepeak, where we sleep. The bilge pump has to work hard to pump out litres of soapy water and not always successfully. All in all the whole set up is not ideal, especially if we have guests stay on board. So we fitted a sump with pump, replaced the old hoses and had a new shower tray made. Sounds simple, but in true boating fashion - nothing is easy and a day set aside to finish off the engine ended up being a “shower day” - no regrets though !