Baths Island to Windsor

As the next three days would be work days, we prefer to be in a marina, so we headed to Windsor Marina, where we had booked in for the three nights. This way we would have shore power (for laptops) and we could fill up with water. We could also do a little boat maintenance and catch up with any chores/shopping that needs doing.
So we set off from Baths Island at about 08:30. We passed a large buoy left by the police divers, which would indicate where the sunken car was. We were through the lock at 09:00 and tied up in the Marina at about 09:20.
It turned out to be such a lovely warm day. I did a few hours work and packed up my granny trolley, who I have named Simone. It is a French name, so fitting with our French boat. It means “to listen”. Simone and I spend hours together and she listens to me moan a lot! Today she listened to me moan all the way to the laundrette. A thirty minute walk there and back.
Patrick was busy in meetings all day, so once I was back from the laundry and put Simone to rest, I got on with boat maintenance / work.
Before we left Portsmouth, which feels like years ago now, we had planned on painting the roof. I had diligently taped up everything to protect the varnished wood from the paint, but never got the painting done.
The yellow masking tape had survived Pauline (see earlier entry), a trip through London and a lot of rain. As we had carried the paint all this way, I got on with the job. We will need a second coat but at least the first one is on. We have been carrying two solar panels with us all this time and these will go onto the roof as soon as the second coat is complete. I cannot wait for that to happen as these solar panels are always in the way.
We have also been carrying our bicycles with us since Portsmouth, but haven’t been able to use them as we don’t have a bicycle tyre pump. So my final job for the day was to source a pump from someone in the marina. After a few tries, I finally found one. We don’t have a puncture kit, so I was thrilled to find that the tyres pumped up and stayed hard. Now to find out if I could still remember how to ride a bicycle! That would be tomorrow’s task as my trip to the laundrette had led me past a large supermarket and we were low on food and undoubtedly beer.
As we were in a marina we took advantage of the shower facilities. Our shower on board is lovely but I am always conscious of using too much water. Tonight I got to just stand under hot water and enjoy it.