Windsor Marina Day 2

We woke up at a reasonable hour as Patrick had to get to the “office” today – two steps up, across the main saloon (avoiding the bar as it was probably too early for a drink [?]) and down one step. Then he was at work. I took advantage of the big empty bed and spent a bit of time reading my kindle. Then the guilt set in (a little) so I got up and packed away all the laundry from yesterday. I checked what we needed from the supermarket, which was across the road from the laundrette I “visited” yesterday. My plan was to cycle to the supermarket rather than walk.
As everything I was going to purchase needed to fit into the cooler bag, which I would then strap onto the back of the bike, I was about to experience some real self-control, shopping wise. Might also be some big decision-making too – bread, milk, salad, vegetables, toothpaste, soap, gin, tonic.
I did a little practice cycle in the boat yard/marina and to my delight I found I could still ride a bicycle, so I set off to the supermarket before I exhausted myself. On my way there I wondered if I could somehow hitch Simone (the granny trolley / therapist) to the back of the bicycle for excessive shopping expeditions as the cooler bag seemed a little small. Something to think about.
The supermarket wasn’t too far, despite what Simone and I had discussed endlessly yesterday, but unfortunately there wasn't much to see on the way. We were in Windsor area, a beautiful and historic area, but it seemed all the old beautiful houses and estates (and the castle) were not situated between the marina and the supermarket. Perhaps a sightseeing cycle was needed before we left. The history of Windsor Castle is fascinating, dating back to William the Conqueror who began building at Windsor around 1070 and took 16 years to complete the Castle. About as long as it has taken us to get the boat ready for our trip! (You can read more here)
Once I was back from the shopping, having survived the cycle and the busy roundabouts I unpacked the goods. Then I needed a rest before doing anything else. While it wasn’t blue skies and sunshine, it wasn’t raining either, so I took my kindle, a cold beer and relaxed on the back deck, watching the paint from yesterday morning dry. This was an important job and I would have argued with Patrick if he had disputed it. When I was completely sure that the roof was dry, my glass was empty and Patrick had finished work, I went indoors to challenge him to a game of backgammon. Something I regretted as the 3rd game and 3rd loss came round. Besides that, it was a good day albeit exhausting from the cycling and watching paint dry.